By Eric D. Huntsman Continue reading
The Night of Jesus’ Arrest
by S. Kent Brown
Readings for Passion Week: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life
by Eric D. Huntsman Continue reading
In Revelation chapter 4, John describes certain animals that inhabit the throne room of God. What are these animals and what is their function?
by Richard D. Draper and Michael D. Rhodes Continue reading
To what extent did Mark shape the Gospel that he wrote?
By Julie M. Smith
Regardless of our assumptions about “Mark” the author, we might wonder to what extent the writer simply transmitted the traditions about Jesus that he received (from Peter or from others) or reshaped them. As Joel Marcus phrased the question, was Mark a “conservative redactor [=editor] or creative theologian?”[1]
What are the differences between being born again and being converted? If the meanings are the same, why are different words used?
This question was submitted by a reader. Response by S. Kent Brown.
The Raising of Lazarus: Prelude to Holy Week
By Eric D. Huntsman Continue reading
What Does the Resurrection Do to the Physical Body?
by Richard D. Draper and Michael D. Rhodes Continue reading
A Working Chronology of the Savior’s Final Days
by Eric D. Huntsman Continue reading
Preparing for Easter
by Eric D. Huntsman